Tuesday, March 24 marked the debut of Caitlyn Smith’s new Instagram series Lonely Together. Based off the name of the final track of her sophomore album Supernova, which was released March 13, Smith was inspired to start this series as a way to come together, share music with fans, and inspire creativity.
This first episode featured singer-songwriter Patrick Droney as her guest. Smith and Droney collaborated to write “Lonely Together” based on how intricate our individual lives have become over time. Smith also happened to be in the third trimester of her second pregnancy during that time! She performed “Lonely Together”, accompanying herself on her piano.
A lot of focus of this episode focused on introducing the audience to Droney, an artist Smith recommends to anyone asking for new music. Droney drew inspiration from his father, who was a session guitar player before becoming a doctor. At the age of 12, Droney’s first big gig was opening for legendary soul singer James Brown. He performed his latest single “The Wire”, which came out of a day of being tired of writing and just wanting a bit of an escape. Smith and Droney also discussed how their self-isolation has impacted their songwriting and how they’re writing with others using FaceTime, essentially trying to see what works.
Smith will be live-streaming Lonely Together regularly over the coming days, so follow her on Twitter and Instagram to find out when the next episode airs! You can also stream her latest album Supernova as well as Droney’s “The Wire” below.