
Seth Ennis Wants You To Ring Home In “Call Your Mama”

Seth Ennis

Seth Ennis’ newest single is titled “Call Your Mama”, and it will definitely inspire you to give home a call after listening to it. A military kid, Seth’s traveled the world, performing on military bases as far away as Japan. Now he’s here in Nashville, honing his craft.


“Call Your Mama” is a calm, easygoing coming-of-age track that reminds you to remember where you come from whenever you decide to leave the safety net of home. It’s a message that can resonate with everyone, especially here in Nashville where it seems like there are more out-of-towners living here than natives. It’s a reverberating message that invokes the lasting memories of youth. Follow Seth on Facebook and Twitter. While you do that, I think I’m gonna give home a quick call!


Call your mama

Sit and listen to her small-town drama

And get you all caught up on all your

Sisters and your brothers

Boy, listen to your mother

Cause you ain’t even gonna get another

Someone you get to call your mama


Listen to “Call Your Mama” here. And when you’re done, get on the phone and give home a call!


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