
Sophia Scott Is Having A Great “One Of These Days”!

Sophia Scott One Of These Days

Colorado native Sophia Scott released her EP One Of These Days on June 3. Sophia Scott has been busy in the lead-up to One Of These Days. She’s been racking up over 60 million Spotify streams. She’s been getting ready for CMA Fest. Most notably, she’s made her television debut on The Kelly Clarkson Show in April. With this new EP, Sophia Scott tackles several subjects, each in their own unique way.

One Of These Days starts off strong with “Don’t Tempt Me”. This track rocks hard! If you’re looking for a track about having good times with your friends and you’re the kind of person who doesn’t need their arm twisted to go out, “Don’t Tempt Me” will be your next theme song. “Sweetheart” reflects on young love. Sophia sings about her high school sweetheart and moving on from that first love.

“Leather Skirt” is another rockin’ anthem. Sophia sings about tempting men with a badass front, one she inherited from her mother and hopes to inspire in others. The titular track is a retrospective of hard times, how everyone goes through them, and finding the fortitude to push through.

“More Me” is an anthem of independence. Sophia goes on the search for the self. She leaves a less-than-ideal situation in a path to love herself more. “Side Effects” is more serious in nature. It tackles how addiction affects those surrounding said addicts.

Putting my experiences into songs is my way to navigate things and has been the best form of therapy for me. I hope that my lyrics offer hope to those who can relate. I hope my songs empower you to also put on your favorite outfit and hit the dance floor,” Sophia says of her efforts. Stream One Of These Days below. Make sure to follow Sophia Scott on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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